Many women dread the pain associated with childbirth. Perhaps you have already heard or seen experiences from others? How did that make you feel?
By preparing yourself for the birth process, you can take away some of your fear. Inform yourself about the possibilities of pain relief so that you know how you can influence your birth experience. Don’t feel like figuring everything out online or by reading books? Then sign up for a (private) pregnancy course.
Also, keep in mind that labour will probably take hours, but you won’t be in pain for hours in a row! Contractions come in waves, during the breaks you can relax and rest. If you have a contraction every 5 minutes that lasts 1 minute, you will ‘only’ have 10 minutes of pain in one hour. In general, the intensity of the contractions is built up, so that your body prepares itself calmly and you will slowly end up in your bubble.
Another amazing fact to realize is that your body produces a special mix of hormones to deal with the discomfort of the labour process.Endorphinesare a natural pain relief, also known as the happiness hormone.Oxytocinensures that your labour starts. Adrenalin comes in handy during the pushing phase, but counteracts it in the beginning of labour. It is therefore important to relax as much as possible at the beginning of the birth process. In another blog I will tell you more about all the hormones that come into play during childbirth.
I wrote a brief overview for you about the different methods of pain relief. Please talk to your medical professional about the methods that they have available.
Natural pain relief
Changing positions, warmth/cold, massage, acupressure, counterpressure, breathing techniques, setting, water, etc
- Always available.
- Stay in your bubble.
- No extra medical staff or noise from the equipment.
- No annoying cords or beeping noises.
- Might not reduce your pain enough.
- Might not work in case of complications.
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
- Can reduce your pain (especially in early labour).
- No side effects.
- You can do it yourself.
- Costs might be fully covered by your health insurance.
- Can’t be combined with water (bath/ shower).
- Buttons need to be pressed every contraction.
Nitrous Oxide (gas)
- Relieves pain quickly.
- Some midwives can administer gas at home.
- Can be used with a water birth.
- Safe for your baby.
- Cons: Can make you feel dizzy, nauseous, hallucinating.
- You can’t walk around because of the medical equipment.
- The extractor hood can be noisy in the hospital.
Pethidine injections
- Only 1 injection needed.
- Can help you relax and be able to fall asleep after a long time of (light) contractions.
- Most hospitals can administer it quickly.
- You can’t stay home.
- Makes you feel stoned.
- Your baby can become drowsy.
- You can’t walk around.
- Works less quickly.
Pump with Remifentanil
- You control the pump by pressing a button.
- Directly enters the bloodstream and works quickly.
- Numbs the pain well like Pethidine.
- Only available in the hospital.
- Might influence your breathing, therefore you and baby need constant monitoring.
- You can’t walk around because you are stuck to an IV.
- Stoned feeling/ dizzy/ nauseous.
- Best pain relief for the mother.
- You are able to rest.
- Doesn’t make you feel drowsy.
- Only in the hospital.
- Might take a while before you can get it.
- You can’t get out of bed.
- Increases the labour time.
- Can cause a fever, therefore baby needs antibiotics and is taken to children’s ward.