
Get the knowledge you need to prepare for labour and life with your baby. Relax with your baby by learning baby massage.

During pregnancy

Birth and postpartum

With the right preparation you will enter your birth process and life as parents feeling confident. The pregnancy course prepares you for birth by teaching you the functioning of hormones, the physiological process, pain relief and practical exercises such as breathing and adopting different positions to take on during labour. The postpartum course prepares you for the first couple of weeks with your baby. From practical skills to emotional needs. How your life changes as partners when you become parents and how to keep your relationship alive.


It´s all about what you want to learn. The course will be tailor/made based on your needs. In the comfort of your own home.

Group course

At Birth in Holland we have group courses in English taught by midwives and doulas. Check out all the courses at

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After the birth of your baby

You and your baby

When your baby is around 4 – 6 weeks old you can start learning Shantala baby massage. I will teach you how to give your baby a relaxing massage. Enjoy this moment of bonding and mindful attention for each other. Baby massage can help with colic, teething, constipation, sleep issues, growing pain, crying, cold symptoms and overstretching.


Stay in the comfort of your own home and learn the complete Shantala baby massage routine. Adjusted to your baby’s need at that moment. The course will be 3 sessions of 50 minutes.

Group course

Meet other mums and babies and learn the complete Shantala baby massage routine together in 4 weeks. Every week there will also be a different subject to discuss such as sleeping and baby wearing. This course is available at Birth in Holland in Delft.

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Pregnancy course

Prepare to give birth.

Postpartum course

Prepare for life as parents.

Baby massage course

Relax and bond.